

Wi-Fi .apk file download for Android available by clicking the button below. App Store link for iOS devices is also available below.

Your Android device may warn you of apps downloaded from unknown sources. Follow the procedures your device gives you to enable installations from unknown sources.

If you still need help, follow the directions below. Keep in mind Android device UI varies from brand-to-brand, so the settings may not match exactly.

  1. Open Settings on your phone.
  2. Go to “Apps,” then tap on “Special app access.” If you don’t find it, go to “Advanced” followed by “Special app access.”
  3. Tap on “Install unknown apps.”
  4. You'll see a list of apps, tap on the browser you're using to download the file. (Most Likely Chrome)
  5. Enable the toggle next to "Allow from this source"
  6. Go back to the file, and proceed with the installation.